This application helps you to make your own photos stickers in WhatsApp
How to create a sticker pack:
1- Choose a name for the pack
2- Choose a name for the pack maker and Creator
3- Add photos from the gallery by clicking on the "Add Sticker" icon
4- Add the pack to WhatsApp by clicking "Add to WhatsApp"
- Convert any kind of images (JPG, PNG..etc) into WhatsApp stickers.
Integration with WhatsApp easily.
Easy to use with a simple interface.
What do you need as a user?
- WhatsApp application
Only 10 seconds
- Some pictures that you want to turn into stickers
- Just one click
- Share and enjoy it for you and your friends
Soon more features ..
Follow me on Twitter:
@ GeniuApp
Sticker maker for creating WhatsApp stickers.